Tuesday, 3 March 2009

lovely package is one of my favourite websites.

my top 5 websites are:

1.facebook (sad but true)
2.perezhilton.com (really sad but true)

i've never really posted anything about packaging before, because my secret love and obsession makes me feel really nerdy and weird. mainly because i hate the effect packaging has on me. i wont lie to you, i am sucked in by a pretty design. In fact, i've lost track of the times I've brought something, thrown away whatevers inside and kept the packaging. :/ is this weird? do i need help? oh dear.

anyway. its out in the open now. So i'll share some nice things with you.


sporks. Designed by http://www.janinerewell.com/
aaah how amazing. actually amazing.

this is one of the nicest things ive seen in agesss aah. I wish i'd made it.but no, Alice Cho did.

“I set out to brand and package my mom’s granola in a way that I thought suited her and also wasn’t really represented on store shelves. I wanted to come up with something that looked wholesome, down to earth and reminded you of home.”


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